Positions for feeding babies
It is important to always maintain the correct position of the baby on the mother's chest, to avoid hurting the nipples.
It is important to always maintain the correct position of the baby on the mother's chest, to avoid hurting the nipples.
The key to avoiding the problems of sore and cracked nipples is the correct posture of the baby when breastfeeding.
Immediately after the baby is born, it is very important to place him on the mother's chest, skin to skin. It is ideal to do it in the first hour of life. This position is called “biological position.”
Breastfeeding is not just giving food to our baby. It is also a moment of immense love, in which we are building and establishing our emotional and physical bond with him.
Most newborns fall asleep while feeding and this is associated with the warmth, smell and security that the mother provides.
Below we give you some very important recommendations to guarantee the cleaning and sterilization of the bottles where you store breast milk:
This is a very important moment for the mother, full of mixed emotions and where planning plays an essential role.
If the mother is on maternity leave and is breastfeeding the baby, it is recommended that she start preparing her milk bank 3 months before returning to work.
To carry out the extraction, mechanical (lever) or electric extractors can be used, or manual extraction can be performed. Bugle or bulb suction pumps are not recommended, as they can hurt the mother's breast.
Some premature babies who are very young or very sick are fed through an intravenous (or IV) line, which is known as " total parenteral nutrition " (TPN). Total parenteral nutrition contains a special mix of nutrients, such as proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals.
The international recommendation is that you give your baby exclusive breast milk (that is, without water, drinks or any other food) during the first 6 months of life, as this becomes a sufficient and complete food that meets all the nutritional requirements of your baby.
Socially, many myths have been created around Breastfeeding , preventing and predisposing future mothers. It is common to hear from many people ...