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¿Por qué son importantes las rutinas?

Why are routines important?

As the first days of parenting progress, we learn what sequence of activities our baby enjoys most, for example eating, sleeping, playing.

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¿Cuánto deben dormir los bebés y niños? Recomendaciones para cada etapa

How much should babies and children sleep? Recommendations for each stage

The baby's sleep changes month to month according to advances in motor skills, growth and feeding. Understanding that it is changeable and that it is not something we are doing wrong, we must avoid including 'potions' such as strong drinks so that hunger does not wake him up or medications to relax him, this will not allow him to have a peaceful night.

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¿Por qué es importante el sueño en los niños?

Why is sleep important in children?

During sleep the brain is producing cells for its mental, physical and emotional development. It is important to respect rest periods so that babies can sleep for enough time.

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Niños agresivos: ¿Cómo manejar sus emociones?

Aggressive children: How to manage their emotions?

The older they get, the more confident they feel about the world they live in, but sometimes, when things don't go their way, they get very frustrated and angry, which is why we must continue teaching them to react to these situations. Some hit, push, or bite because they can't think of anything else to do.

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¿Cómo manejar las pataletas y las emociones de los niños?

How to handle children's tantrums and emotions?

The love of learning to be with others is born from the relationship with those closest to us. Bonding emotionally ensures that children open themselves to new knowledge and trust their autonomy to continue living with others.

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