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¿Sabes qué es un parto por cesárea?

Do you know what a cesarean delivery is?

Do you know what a cesarean delivery is?

Also called surgical delivery , it is the delivery of a baby through a surgical incision made in the mother's abdomen and uterus. This procedure is performed when it is determined that this method is safer for the mother, the baby, or both than vaginal delivery.


In a cesarean delivery, an incision is made through the skin and uterus in the mother's lower abdomen. Incisions in the skin and uterus can be vertical (longitudinal) or transverse (horizontal).

A transverse incision extends through the pubic hairline, while a vertical incision extends from the navel to the pubic hairline.

The transverse uterine incision is most often used because it heals well and there is less bleeding.

Transverse uterine incisions also increase the chance of a vaginal delivery in a future pregnancy. However, the type of incision will depend on the conditions of the mother and the baby.


Bullet What are the possible causes for having a cesarean delivery? Bullet

Some C-sections are planned and scheduled, while others may be performed as a result of complications or emergencies during labor.

There are several conditions that increase the chance of a cesarean delivery. Between them:


  • Abnormal baby's heart rate: The baby's heart rate during labor is a good indicator of how the baby reacts to labor contractions. Heart rate is often electronically monitored during labor; the normal thing is that it varies between 120 and 160 beats per minute. If the baby's heart rate indicates a problem, a C-section may be necessary.
  • Abnormal position of the baby during labor : The normal position of the baby during labor is with the head down, and the face towards the mother's back. However, sometimes the baby is not in the correct position, which makes the passage through the birth canal more difficult.
  • Failure to progress or abnormal course of labor
  • The baby is too big for a vaginal delivery
  • Placental complications (for example, placenta previa, where the placenta blocks the cervix and risks detaching the fetus prematurely)
  • Certain maternal medical problems (for example, diabetes, high blood pressure, or human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] infection)
  • multiple gestation
  • In some cases, having had a previous cesarean delivery

Your OB doctor may recommend a cesarean section for other reasons.


Bullet What are the risks of a cesarean section? Bullet


Like other types of major surgery (in which the abdominal cavity is entered directly), cesarean sections also carry risks.


Risks for the baby :

Breathing problems . Babies delivered by scheduled C-section are more likely to have transient tachypnea, which is a breathing problem with a very fast breathing rate and trouble getting enough oxygen.
Surgical injury . Although rare, accidental cuts to the baby's skin can occur during surgery.

Risks for the mother:

Infection. After a C-section, you may be at risk of getting an infection at the site of the surgical wound.
Postpartum hemorrhage . A C-section could cause heavy bleeding during and after delivery.
Reactions to anesthesia . Adverse reactions to any type of anesthesia are possible.

The most important thing is always safety for the mother and her baby, to protect their health and life.

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