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¿Cuándo y cómo realizar el registro civil de nacimiento del bebé y al régimen de salud?

When and how to register the baby's birth and health regime?

When and how to register the baby's birth and health regime?

Birth certificate

“The civil registration of birth can be carried out in hospitals, clinics, as well as in any Notary Office, Registry Office or Consulate. Registration is free and must be done within the month following the birth of the baby, presenting the live birth certificate issued by the hospital. The registration must be carried out by the father or mother of the newborn or by the grandparents, great-grandparents or great-great-grandparents (ascendants), the closest older relatives, the director or administrator of the public or private establishment in which the birth occurred, the person who has picked up the abandoned newborn, the director or administrator of the establishment that has taken care of the newborn or the interested party over 18 years of age.” Reference National Registry of Colombia.

Social security system

“Every newborn is automatically affiliated with the EPS to which the mother belongs, regardless of the regime to which she belongs, for which the certificate of live birth will suffice, however, and in order to legalize the corresponding affiliation, The parents or, in their absence, whoever has custody or personal care of the newborn must provide a civil birth certificate no later than three (3) months following the birth. The process is carried out by the contributors or head of the family and their registration as a beneficiary proceeds.” Reference Ministry of Health and Social Protection of Colombia. The baby must be enrolled in a growth and development program at the EPS.

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