

  • Recommendations if you are thinking about being a mother. Read
¿Cómo debe ser la alimentación de la madre gestante?

What should the pregnant mother's diet be like?

The health of the baby depends on the good nutrition of the pregnant mother and her nutritional status prior to pregnancy.
Learn what the pregnant mother's diet should be like, to take care of her health and that of the baby.

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Señales de alarma durante el embarazo

Warning signs during pregnancy

Pay attention to possible warning signs during pregnancy

If any of these symptoms appear at any time you should consult the emergency room.
immediately; They can be symptoms of diseases that put your health at risk.
and your baby's.

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¿Cómo dormir durante el embarazo?

How to sleep during pregnancy?

It is recommended that mothers sleep preferably on their left side, although not
There is a problem in doing it according to law.

It is recommended that mothers sleep preferably on their left side, although not
There is a problem in doing it according to law. This is because when the uterus reaches 20 weeks, its position is more abdominal than pelvic and when the mother is face up, her uterus lies on the aorta artery in its abdominal portion, compressing it.

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Cómo estimular al bebé en el embarazo

How to stimulate the baby during pregnancy?

During pregnancy it is important that mother starts singing to the baby.

His voice is perceived as vibrations. It doesn't matter if you consider that your singing voice “isn't pretty” or that “it doesn't sing.” In this way, the emotional bond will be strengthened that makes it easier for the baby to recognize your voice and generate well-being.

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primer trimestre del embarazo

What happens in the first trimester of pregnancy?

Once fertilization occurs, the embryo is formed and begins to grow thanks to the genetic information from its parents.

The mother with the egg provides 23 chromosomes and the father with the sperm another 23 chromosomes, to generate a cell with 46 chromosomes that will form the new being.

The embryo is located in the mother's uterus or womb, where it will develop and nourish for the next 9 months.

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¿Cómo sé si estoy en embarazo?

How do I know if I am pregnant?

Menstrual cycles can last between 25 and 30 days depending on each woman.

These cycles are usually constant, therefore, if after your average cycle, you observe that you have a delay in period, it may be the first sign that you are pregnant.

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