On many occasions when your baby starts complementary feeding, you have already returned to work and therefore you already have a milk bank .
With this breast milk you can make nutritional preparations for your baby, becoming a different way to supply it.

It is worth remembering that breast milk brings great benefits to your baby such as protection against infections and diseases, it helps in the development of the bones and muscles of the face and mouth, so you can include it in the preparations once your baby starts complementary feeding.

Remember that breast milk should not be boiled or cooked, as it can lose its properties, you can add it as a final ingredient at room temperature.
We bring an idea for you!
1/4 breast milk
1/2 oatmeal in ground flakes (You can grind with the help of the blender)
1/2 grated or mashed fruit (apple, pear, banana or a fruit of your choice)
Cinnamon to taste and/or 1 drop of vanilla essence (optional)
Butter for browning (Optional) If your pan is Teflon, you probably won't need it.
Preparation :
Mix the oatmeal with the fruit, cinnamon and/or vanilla essence. Add the milk and stir until you get a homogeneous mixture. When the pan is hot (low-medium heat), add a little butter.
Once it melts, pour the mixture forming the pancakes. Use a spoon to spread the mixture so that you have the thickness of a slice of bread. When they are a little golden, turn to brown the other side.
Low-medium heat will not affect the properties of breast milk. What you should not do is cook it directly, or put it in the microwave.

Find more recipes for your baby in the be-2 Level Book available in the be-2 Toolbox
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