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Niños agresivos: ¿Cómo manejar sus emociones?

Aggressive children: How to manage their emotions?

Aggressive children: How to manage their emotions?

The aggressive child

The older they get, the more confident they feel about the world they live in, but sometimes, when things don't go their way, they get very frustrated and angry, which is why we must continue teaching them to react to these situations. Some hit, push, or bite because they can't think of anything else to do. Although it may sound strange, this is a moment that, as parents, we have to take advantage of as it is the opportunity to show him how we calmly accept the frustration of not being able to obtain something or repair what was destroyed. Let's show him that there are ways to express negative feelings without having to hit or hit, we cannot match his reactions, first because it is not okay to hit anyone. The father is the first to comply with the rules of his house.

  • The aggressive child If the child still does not have enough words, he possibly shows it with his behavior, then we do not think that he is a “bad” child, who wants to hurt, but that he needs the help of the adult to learn to resolve this emotional situation. .
  • If he is hurting himself, we must physically contain him, with hugs, and tell him that we do not want him to hurt himself, that we know he feels this way, but that our job as parents is to protect him.
  • Sharing what we think you are feeling is an excellent way to help you recognize your emotions. Then, tell him or her what mom or dad felt.
  • Propose ideas on how he can express the anger he felt when the toy was taken away or the sadness of having to finish a game, through signs or key words that will make us pay attention in time and reach new agreements.
  • Let's watch it closely so that we can intervene as soon as there are signs, to try to prevent aggression.
  • After paying attention to him, with caresses or closeness and talking to him, we can now invite him to change activities. If we don't pay attention to what happened and instead ignore it and move on to another activity, we miss the opportunity to reflect and learn new ways to react.

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